
for December, 2013


December 1, 2013

An Innocent Introvert’s Mistake! Getting ready to leave home for any extended period of time is difficult, let alone a new country, when you have a small business, and when you decide to do said “leaving” for 2.5 months. Some of the things you won’t of course suspect as being “difficult” is just the sheer emotional roller coaster, packing (esp for a woman), and just trying to plan for every mishap actually can cause you more strife in the long run. Here is a list of the random lessons about my second nonparental flight internationally– hope it gives you some jollies. 1) SPONTANEOUS EMOTING… Even if you try to stay strong for family members before leaving (totally admirable), just realize that your body still feels stess and will subconciously recognize what your feeling even if you don’t choose to acknowledge it! Don’t be surprised if you spontaneous emote when you rationally feel fine. 2) DON’T TAKE YOUR COMFORT FOODIMAL… Don’t […]